Colon Cleanse – Cure for Constipation

Colon Cleanse – Cure for Constipation

Constipation occurs most commonly in two age groups; the elderly and younger children. Therefore whether you have an elderly person in the family to take care of or if you yourself are climbing up the age ladder you will realise hard stool relief is an important aspect of their lives. The situation must be well scrutinized before deciding if constipation relief is needed for the elderly family member. Do not overreact! It is a general understanding that not having regular bowel movement is an issue, which in reality is not situation.

There are umpteen other reasons for irregular bowel movement amongst the elderly. For instance lower food consumption and slower processing by their body. Irregular bowel movement or missing it for one or two days isn’t a major concern, this also varies with each individuals. Thus you must watch out more substantial symptoms.

Colon Cleanse - Cure for ConstipationHard Stools

The primary factor to decide whether one is constipated or not is through the condition of the stool. If the bowel movement is smooth and easy there is nothing you need to worry. But in case you have to strain or forcefully push the hard stool out of your system, indicates that you might need constipation aid.

Discomfort and Pain

Constipation is associated with different types of discomfort and pain. Some experience cramps and feel the pain all through their abdomen while the solid stool makes way out of the system, while others feel bloated like their stomach is tightened and over stuffed.

Constipation Treatment

After analysing the symptoms and concluding that one certainly is a victim of constipation, certain treatments must be done to find relief from constipation.

Abstain Laxatives

It indeed is a painless and easy way to use laxatives to escape the discomfort and pain of hard stool but it definitely isn’t the best method! Wondering why? Laxatives or purgatives use the water within your system to loosen that hard stool within you. Hence using this method in excess can leave you dehydrated completely.

Colon Cleanse

Colon Cleanse - Cure for ConstipationIt is one of the best techniques to empty your bowel and clean your system is through Colon Cleanse. A lot of colon cleanses available but the best amongst all are the ones which are orally consumed. Reason being, they not only clean the colon but the whole digestive tract. The type of oral colon cleansers that gives out oxygen during the process are considered superlative since the released oxygen enters your blood stream thus giving it a healthy energy boost.

Healthy Eating

It is very important to maintain your colon after cleaning it. Follow diet which is rich in fibre is vital to maintain soft stool. Thus, consuming high fibre diet is the name of the game.

Colon Cleansing – The Process

Colon Cleansing – The Process

People are aware of the benefits of colon cleansing. It has the ability to improve your health over-all and can reduce your risk for colon cancer. But people are unaware of how it can help you lose weight and improve your diet.

Cleansing the colon increases the efficacy of the digestive system and helps in expelling the indigested material from the system. This clears the system and gives enough space for nutrients to be absorbed in future.

Colon cleansing helps rejuvenate energy in the body. This happens after all the toxins are released from your body post colon cleansing. People seem to get a better sleep, have improved circulation and their energy levels rise.

Above all, colon cleansing also helps in weight loss if the whole month’s course is completed.

Why do a colon cleanse?Colon cleansing through Rasberry Ketone

Colon cleansing is a way of improving the overall health of an individual. Toxins that are produced in the large intestines are trapped inside by mucus that is produced by the colon which happens when a not-so-ideal diet is consumed (one full of meats and refined sugars). As the exposure to the trapped toxins increases, chances of growing sick also increase.

Cleansing the colon is the best way to flush out these toxins so that space is emptied and fresh nutrients are absorbed from food.

Work out on diet

The first step to colon cleansing would be to work on your diet. You need to begin with a detox diet to clear your system completely. This needs to be followed with a fibre rich diet which would include vegetables like raw cauliflower, broccoli and carrots and fruits like mangoes, guavas and berries.

Drink an ample amount of water

Next, ensure that your body is well hydrated. Drinking a lot of water will help in flushing out toxins that may be holding on to your system.

Colon cleansing supplements

Colon cleansing through Rasberry KetoneThere are commercially available supplements that can be taken orally or rectally to cleanse the colon effectively. Ensure to get medical advice as to when you may take them and in what quantity you may take them.

Some colon cleanse supplements are enemas, laxatives, tablets for colon cleansing and herbal teas.

Irrigating the colon

Though this doesn’t sound very pleasing, it is highly effective. The procedure may seem quite uneasy and may take some time to complete. The process involves, a tube being inserted in the rectum through which water is pumped into the large intestine. After the colon is completely soaked, the tube is removed and replaced with another and the stomach is massaged well to expel the water along with the waste from the colon.

Take necessary precautions

Do not attempt to cleanse your colon in case you have undergone an abdominal surgery in the recent past or if you are facing conditions like diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis, chron’s disease, kidney issues, internal haemorrhoids and tumors in the colon or rectum.

In case you are unsure of whether to do a colon cleanse, talk to you doctor first. You may find it embarrassing but this is common for a doctor to hear so you may ask your doc rather than risking your health.

Colon Cleansing With Raspberry Ketone

Colon Cleansing With Raspberry Ketone

Raspberry Ketone is the fragrance that is found in raspberries. The fragrance is used in perfumery, in cosmetics, and as a food additive to impart a fruity odor. It is one of the most expensive natural flavor components used in the food industry. Raspberry ketone became popular for weight loss after it was mentioned on the Dr. Oz television show during the segment called “Raspberry ketone: Miracle fat-burner in a bottle” in February 2012. Even though it is touted as a “miracle” for weight loss, there is no reliable scientific evidence that it works for improving weight loss.

If your metabolism is fast then in turn that increases the rate at which your body burns the food you have digested which results in a faster release of energy which burns the calories. In a similar manner, Raspberry ketone produces noradrenaline which helps in weight loss and this helps in bringing the fatty cells into the blood stream where they are put to use for producing energy.  The higher the number of fatty cells that are released into the body, the higher the energy that is produced by the body and helps in decreasing the storage of fatty cells.

Colon cleansing through Rasberry KetonePills that are used for weight loss contain raspberry ketone in concentration and although one could get fresh raspberries and get the same effect, the pills come in concentrated form of raspberries ketone and can be ingested easily.  Raspberry ketone comes in natural form and therefore poses no danger to a person taking it for weight loss. In comparison to artificial weight loss techniques, this method of taking raspberry ketone is safe and natural to use. One should keep in mind that raspberry ketone contains caffeine which can cause headaches and may not suit some people.

Cleansing the colon by using raspberry ketone is a great idea as the colon needs to flush out toxins from time to time otherwise they can cause infections, body odor as well as other complications.

Colon cleansing through Rasberry KetoneOne of the best advantages of cleansing the colon is that it helps reduce the weight of the body by getting rid of excess wastes in the body. If the wastes are allowed to stay inside the body then it can cause weight gain and bloating.

Combining raspberry ketone to cleanse the colon works well as raspberry ketone helps fight the toxins by transporting the fatty cells which are used for producing energy. If one has a healthy colon then the effects of raspberry ketone will be higher and better as it can function properly.  One should be careful while buying raspberry ketone as there are a lot of brands that claim to sell the genuine raspberry ketone but can be misleading. It is advisable to do a thorough research about the product one is planning to buy to avoid any harm to one’s body.

If one buys without researching there are several examples present who have been subjected to severe side effects and in one case, a woman has been paralyzed. Therefore only go for pharmaceutically tested and fully licensed product to stay safe and healthy.

Colon Cleansing – The Good & Bad

Colon Cleansing- The Good and the Bad

The colon, a part of the digestive system, is responsible for extracting water, salt, vitamins and nutrients from indigestible food matter, processing food that was not digested in the small intestine, and eliminating solid waste from the body. However, when it does not function properly, it begins to absorb toxins instead of eliminating them, thereby causing problems like headaches, bloating, constipation, gas, weight gain, low energy, fatigue, and chronic illnesses.

There are two sides to every story and cleansing the colon has two sides to it as well. Let us look at the good and the bad of going in for colon cleansing.

The GoodColon Cleansing- The Good and the Bad

As the colon is cleansed, it pushes undigested waste through your system, clearing the way for good nutrient absorption. If waste remains in the body for too long, it becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and illness.

Releasing the toxins from your body is rejuvenating because it refocuses the energy usually used for forcing waste through your intestines to other parts of your body.

A colon that has been cleansed allows only water, vitamins and nutrients to be absorbed into the bloodstream.

By releasing stagnant body waste, you reduce the causes and the risk of polyps, cysts and cancerous growths in your colon and gastrointestinal tract.

Colon cleansing has the potential to aid weight loss; some people claim to have lost up to 20 pounds over the course of a month.

The Bad

Colon cleansing may increase your risk of infections from pathological microorganisms caused by using unclean equipment. It is important to use sterile equipment that has not been previously used by someone else to minimize your risks from spread of infections of bacteria, viruses, yeasts and parasites.

Colon Cleansing- The Good and the BadColon cleanses using unfiltered tap water may be dangerous to your health. Use of unfiltered tap water may increase your risk of chromium-6, a cancer-causing chemical. Colon cleansing with laxatives, herbal formulations or enemas might increase a person’s risk of becoming dehydrated if the individual does not drink enough fluids.

If colon cleansers are not of reliable quality their use can badly influence your digestive system. You may suffer from diarrhoea which can enhance your trouble instead of giving you any relief. Improper use colon cleansers may also result in blooded stool which can distress you not only physical but psychologically too.

Therefore after looking at both the sides, it necessary that we consult a doctor and take advice from an expert if we should go for a colon cleansing, whether a colon cleanse is good for the body or not.

There are a lot of claims and false advertising regarding which is the best method to cleanse the colon but at the end of the day, it is your body and one is talking about a very sensitive part of the body, therefore before taking any decision it is necessary that one does not go by what the claims are and what the side effects will be rather we should understand what the doctor advises and use our own discretion.

Constipation & Marijuana

Curing Constipation with Medical Marijuana

Constipation occurs when bowel movements become difficult or less frequent.  The normal length of time between bowel movements ranges widely from person to person.  Some people have bowel movements three times a day; others, only one or two times a week.  Going longer than three days without a bowel movement is too long.  After three days, the stool or faeces become harder and more difficult to pass.

You are considered constipated if you have two or more of the following for at least three months:

  • Straining during a bowel movement more than 25 percent of the time.
  • Hard stools more than 25 percent of the time.Curing Constipation through Medical Marijuana
  • Incomplete evacuation more than 25 percent of the time.
  • Two or fewer bowel movements in a week.

Symptoms of constipation can include:

  • Infrequent bowel movements and/or difficulty having bowel movements.
  • Swollen abdomen or abdominal pain.
  • Pain.
  • Vomiting

One of the most recent studies has suggested using medical marijuana to cure constipation. Medical cannabis, or medical marijuana, refers to the use of cannabis and its cannabinoids to treat disease or improve symptoms. The use of cannabis as a medicine has not been rigorously scientifically tested often due to restrictions on the production of the drug.

There is limited evidence suggesting cannabis can be used to reduce nausea and vomiting during chemotherapy, to improve appetite in people with HIV/AIDS, and to treat chronic pain and muscle spasms.

Curing Constipation through Medical MarijuanaStudies indicate that cannabinoids in marijuana bind with cannabinoid receptors in the digestive tract, especially the small and large intestine, causing muscle relaxation, reduction of inflammation, analgesia, increased nerve-muscle coordination, anti-emesis, and relief of spasms such as those that cause nausea. Laxative is a term that is used to describe a substance that will help you to relax your bowels. There are many substances that can act as a laxative and the cannabis seed is one of them. The seeds contain fatty acids, vitamins and protein that make a healthy drink when you combine it with a shake. There were studies done with the use of the hemp seed pill. The studies found out that the cannabis helps the digestive system to stabilize and relax. When the muscles in your intestines are relaxed, it would be much easier for you to remove the stool in your body. Some also say that the cannabis can help your stomach with the digestion of your food.

Marijuana is known to have antiemetic properties (meaning it relieves nausea and vomiting) and historical medical references to the plant often include references to of the effects of cannabis as supporting digestion and colon health. Cannabis is able to act as substitute or dosage reducer for specific medications that cause constipation (e.g. opiates). Thus, medical marijuana may not only be a solution for constipation as symptom, but help cure some underlying causes of it.  Research is still going on regarding how marijuana helps in treating constipation but for now it is advisable that medical marijuana be taken only on doctor’s advice and not be taken as a form of self-treatment remedy.

Ten Signs Detoxification is Required

Detoxification – Ten Signs that it is required

Each and every day we are being exposed to countless number of harmful chemicals and other toxin. Even potentially deadly heavy metal and radioactive substances find their way into the food chain, not to mention all the chemical fertilizers; pesticides and insecticides which are applied to the fruit and vegetables we buy in supermarkets. Because of the environment in which we now live, our bodies inevitably become overloaded with harmful toxins, and eventually our immune system is simply unable to keep up.

However, before your body’s level of toxicity causes serious problems, it’ll almost certainly try to alert you that something is wrong. In other words, you’ll start experiencing certain unpleasant symptoms. Here are ten signs that your body is in urgent need of some maintenance:

  1. Headaches

Detoxification – Ten Signs that it is requiredA headache is one of the body’s most common ways to signal that something is wrong. However, if you are experiencing regular or chronic headaches without any other health condition you may want to try a detox.

  1. Insomnia

Highly toxic body can bring down the level of melatonin in the body which can result in insomnia or bad, restless sleep. A detox can help restore your body to a more natural state.

  1. Skin Problems

Unhealthy skin, in the form of dry skin, rashes and acne, can be a sign that your body needs to detox. This holds especially true when you have tried other remedies to help your skin with unsuccessful results. A detox works at the source of the problem, ridding the body of toxins that can lead to rashes, outbreaks, and allergic reactions on the skin.

  1. Feeling of fatigue

It is important to note the difference from being tired and constant fatigue and low energy. A detox can be used to help flush your system of toxins that may be prohibiting you from getting sufficient energy from your diet.

  1. Depression

Your mental state is largely affected by what you put into your body. If you are eating healthy you are generally in a better, more upbeat mood. However, if you are eating poorly and not nourishing your body properly you can slip into a state of depression.

  1. ConstipationDetoxification – Ten Signs that it is required

Digestive problems are a common sign that a detox is needed. Constipation, especially if you have increased your fiber intake and adjusted your diet to help alleviate the issue, is a sign that something isn’t right in your digestive system.

  1. Soreness

If one has a sore and stiff  feeling when there hasn’t been any recent physical activity, is a sign to detox. You feel sore and stiff because of excess toxins in your body.

  1. Problem in Losing Weight

Like many of the other symptoms toxins in your body can prohibit you from losing the extra weight you desire to shed. This is especially true when you have changed your diet and increased your amount of exercise, but still have not been able to shed any pounds.

  1. Unable to Focus

Toxins, like candida and heavy metals, can affect your ability to focus. If you find yourself constantly daydreaming or experiencing mental fog a detox may be in order. A detox helps get rid of the toxins, like candida and heavy metals, which prevent your brain from focusing.

  1. Sexual Dysfunction

Your reproductive organs are just like any other organ. Their proper function can be disrupted if there are too many toxins damaging the body. A detox helps restore and give your reproductive organs the appropriate amount of vitamins and minerals they need to do their job.

Detoxification of the Colon & Kidney

Detoxification of the Colon and the Kidney

Detoxification means cleaning the blood. This is done by removing impurities from the blood in the liver, where toxins are processed for elimination. The body also eliminates toxins through the kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymph and skin. The body sends out signals that it needs to be detoxed and these include-

  • Unexplained fatigue
  • Sluggish elimination
  • Irritated skinDetoxification of the Colon and the Kidney
  • Allergies
  • Low-grade infections
  • Puffy eye or bags under the eyes
  • Bloating
  • Menstrual problems
  • Mental confusion

In order to start a detox one needs to eliminate alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, refined sugars and saturated fats, all of which act as toxins in the body and are obstacles to your healing process. Also, minimize use of chemical-based household cleaners and personal health care products (cleansers, shampoos, deodorants and toothpastes), and substitute natural alternatives. Apart from this, one should avoid stress as that adds a lot of pressure to the body.

There are two forms of cleansing that is required from the body –

  1. Colon Cleansing

Eat more fiber as it is the lone nutrient that isn’t digested and helps the bowels contract. In short, more fiber = an emptier colon. Drink a lot of water.  Instead of drinking 8 eight-ounce glasses of water, look at the color of your urine. If it is pale yellow or near-clear you’re doing a great job; if it’s darker than that, start drinking more. One should consume more fermented foods. There are bacteria in fermented foods that are very good for the colon. Without them, certain nutrients go unsynthesized, toxins don’t degrade and create problems in the future.  One can even go for buying a powder or liquid supplements. There are many options out there and each one is either taken by mouth or placed into the rectum. Either way, the colon will end up expelling just about everything.

Detoxification of the Colon and the KidneyIf the bowel has become impacted, an enema may be the answer. A doctor places two fingers into the rectum and breaks up the stool and then the patient is given a dose of mineral oil to soften it. Another method is colonic irrigation but it is an expensive procedure. A pump is inserted into the rectum and gallons of water go through the system, flushing everything out. Once the water is in the colon, the therapist may massage the patient’s abdomen to get everything moving. The whole process can take up to an hour.

  1. Kidney Cleansing

Kidneys serve an important function by filtering and managing the waste a body produces, so it’s essential to keep them healthy.

One way to keep the kidneys functioning properly is to do a kidney cleansing fast. Not only can a kidney cleansing fast dissolve kidney stones, it can also help rejuvenate and detoxify the organs for a healthier system.

Drink only water for 3 days, as well as organic vegetable or fruit juice, or even herbal tea. No food is allowed during this time. Before one starts this cleansing it is important to consult a doctor. Experts suggest that eating 2 large organic watermelons will help empty toxins from one’s kidneys. Continue to ease out of the fast slowly, eating raw fruits and vegetables for a few days after breaking the fast and before returning to one’s regular diet.

Drinks That Cleanse the Colon

Drinks That Cleanse the Colon

Being the last step in the process of digestion, the large intestine prepares the waste to get excreted. Stools gets backed up in case bowel movements are not frequent enough. When this waste continues to remain in the system, toxins are formed which lead to various other digestive disorders. Colon cleansing will help in detoxifying the body. Get in touch with a doctor in case you want to have your colon cleansed.


Drinks That Cleanse the ColonDrinking water is the most cost effective and healthy way for colon cleansing. We have often heard our elders saying “you need to drink a minimum of eight glasses of water each day” when we were young. Not much was known about the reason or rather we were told that we would make grow tall if we did so! But really, why would we have to drink 8 glasses of water a day?

Drinking 8 glasses of water a day, helps the digestive system to run smoothly. Additionally, drinking water also prevents constipation, hard stools and dehydration.

Otherwise, you may add fibre rich powders in your water to cleanse colon regularly which is an even more productive method of cleansing the colon, since these fibres act as an agent to pass through the system along with the waste material with ease. Thus, colon cleansing prevents and treats constipation and increases the rate of bowel movement.


When stools are hard and difficult to eliminate and when the frequency of bowel movements are very low i.e., if it occurs only once in three or more days, the condition is known as constipation.

The best cure to this would be colon cleansing which would help transiting faecal matter at a fast rate. A study that was done on women suffering from chronic constipation issues proved that they experienced that the “colonic transit time”, i.e., the rate of faecal transit, was much faster and it reduced faecal obstruction.


Drinks That Cleanse the ColonThough the effectiveness has been experienced by many, colon cleansing being an effective treatment for some diseases including colon cancer lacks scientific evidence. Similarly, toxins produced in the colon due to inadequate excretion of waste also have no scientific evidence for proof.


People have started doing colon cleansing quite regularly as they experience the result of improved health conditions and increased energy in the body. They do it to prevent illness. On the contrary, few gastroenterologists claim that it is the other way round. In a study, they mentioned that this process may cause the beneficial bacteria to also get washed away which may lead to infections, electrolyte imbalances or even rectal perforations.

For a person who already has intestinal problems, a colon cleanse may lead to adverse effects. Those facing problems like ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis, chron’s disease, kidney issues, internal haemorrhoids and tumors in the colon or rectum are at a higher rate of risk. It is extremely important to take a doctor’s advice before going for a colon cleanse.

Goldenseal Root: Antibiotic

Goldenseal Root: Antibiotic

Looking back into the history, goldenseal root had traditionally been used by American natives as an herbal remedy. This herb was cherished by the tribes due to the healing properties it possessed and was widely used as a cure to many diseases like skin issues, digestive disorders and sore eyes. They even mixed It with bear fat and used as an insect repellant. Similar to several other medical herbs this as well was acquainted to the initial American settlers by the native tribes and hence is now being used in the US.

The therapeutic significance of Goldenseal root remained insignificant until the 18th Century. Until this period it was mainly used to improve appetite and stimulate digestion, to treat skin inflammation, remedy for eye infections like conjunctivitis. Though it took really long for the mankind to recognize its medicinal value; when they happened to realize, it became one of the extensively used and popular herbal remedy in the American market. And now, goldenseal roots has still maintained its value and furthermore amplified its usage in the medical field.

Goldenseal Root: AntibioticThe chief active compound of Goldenseal root that is responsible for most of its medicinal value is berberine. Berberine when tested in the laboratories has the ability to kill various types of bacteria mainly E.Coli one of the primary causes for urinary tract infection and diarrhea. Hence berberine is widely used kill several kinds of germs, tapeworms, parasites, even Candida and Giardia infections. Its antibacterial properties have also proven it as a useful exterior disinfectant.

This goldenseal root not only kills bacterial infections, it is also cleanses various vital organs and increases immunity. Eg., berberine activates WBCs, thus increasing the effectiveness of fighting infections and strengthening immunity.
The root facilitates the capacity of functioning the colon, liver, spleen, pancreas, heart, respiratory system and the lymphatic system. It can also be found as an ingredient in herbal remedies for colds, flu, fever and respiratory disorders which helps in preventing the symptoms from further developing.

The goldenseal root soothes sore mucus membranes, relieves congestion, reduces fever and relieves symptoms in ears, nose, throat and eyes.

Apart from being an immune booster and an antibiotic, goldenseal root helps in digestion and calms an upset stomach. It increases the digestive secretions like digestive enzyme, saliva and bile. It also stimulates the appetite. Additionally, it possesses anti-inflammatory properties and helps in controlling menstrual bleeding when it is very heavy.

Goldenseal, in addition to the above mentioned, can also be used for the following:

  • hemorrhoidsGoldenseal Root: Antibiotic
  • allergic rhinitis
  • cystitis
  • internal bleeding
  • gum infections
  • alcoholic liver disease
  • sore throats
  • ringworm
  • laryngitis
  • eczema
  • earaches
  • hepatitis

Goldenseal is available in the market in the form of a powder, tablet or tincture. However, when taken continuously, care needs to be taken, as it may upset the intestines’ natural balance.

Health Benefits of Flaxseed

Health Benefits of Flaxseed

Flax seeds have numerous health benefits and have been in use since the eighth century. They are rich in fibre. About 20-35gms of fibre is required per day to inhibit certain diseases like colon cancer, breast cancer and other heart diseases. Stabilized and ground flax seeds are known to be the richest sources of fibre.

They are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids. It contains above twice the quantity that can be gained through a regular diet. Flax seeds also reduce excessing inflammation and stress through its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Owing to the fibre content in flax seeds, they are highly beneficial in digestive health. It is used as a natural laxative which helps the digestive system and improves the nutrient absorption by the intestines. Being a fibre it eases the movement of waste in the intestines until it is expelled.

Following are some benefits of flax seeds if consumed on a regular basis.

  1. Health Benefits of FlaxseedOmega-3 present in flax seeds help in lowering the level of triglycerides by nearly 65% and blood cholesterol by about 25%. Omega-3 is necessary for a healthy skin, brain development, adrenal function, proper eyesight and sperm formulation. They also reduce the possibilities of the arteries being blocked by blood clots.
  2. Omega-3 also reduces inflammation of the body, lowers high BP and reduces allergic responses. Additionally, flax seed oil protects the body against chest pain or angina. A study also states that it may prevent a second cardiac attack.
  3. Omega-3 also benefits in preventing arthritis and lowers insulin requirement in diabetics.
  4. Clinical studies prove that omega-3 dissolves tumours and it has been successfully used for treatment of cancer.
  5. Flax seeds provide up to 800 times of plant lignans which is not available in any other plant source, thus, proving to be the richest source of lignans. Lignans are phytonutrients that reduce or even reverse breast cancer. They also possess properties of anti-tumour and reduce risks of cardiovascular diseases. Additionally, they mimic estrogens and can be used as a natural treatment for menopause.
  6. Health Benefits of FlaxseedFlax seeds contain both insoluble as well as soluble dietry fibre with nearly 40% being soluble. Fibres modulate glucose, lower cholesterol, reduce risk of breast and colon cancer and improve functioning of the gastro-intestines.
  7. Rich in fibre, flax seeds, facilitate in easy passage of waste through the intestines. Flax seed oil prevents gall stones and even dissolves existing ones. They reduce inflammation and restore intestinal tract damages.
  8. Finally, flax seeds contain all essential amino acids and are thus good sources of protein.

On the whole, flax seeds are the richest suppliers of fibre, lignans and also high in omega-3’s and proteins. People generally use ground flax seeds which they have with hot foods or cereals. Unfortunately, pre-ground seeds quickly get rancid on exposure to light and oxygen. This happens due to dark flaxseeds that are present in them. Therefore, by removing dark seeds only golden ones are left which have a shelf life of up to two years.