Herbal Colon Cleansers

Herbal Colon Cleansers

Restoration of health, in the digestive system, through colon cleansing has been done for years using various different herbs.  However, people are hardly aware of what each herb does exactly. Following are a few popular herbs that are used for colon cleansing along with their function.

  1. Psyllium husks, a fibrous herb, functions in strengthening the intestine lining.
  2. Flax seeds aid in nourishing and moistening cell membranes. They also reduce inflammation of cells.
  3. Licorice roots are used as detoxifiers. They remove the poison from the liver and blood, reduce pain and inflammation and also heal the digestive tract and the lungs.
  4. Fennel seeds are used to enhance digestion and reduce gas. It is used as a breath freshener and it also relieves abdominal pain.
  5. Herbal Colon CleansersAloe Vera helps in soothing and healing the intestine lining but it should not be used in case of pregnancy or in patients with kidney disease.
  6. Papaya fruit acts as a digestive enzyme and dissolves compact waste.
  7. Grapefruit pectin acts as an antimicrobial agent against infections in the intestines.
  8. Elm bark soothes kidneys and intestines.
  9. Marshmallow roots nourish the lungs as well as soothe the urinary tract.
  10. Buckthorn bark is used as herbal laxative. It increases digestion.
  11. Rhubarb root, also a herbal laxative, should be used only in small doses along with other herbs for colon cleansing. It is not safe for patients with gout or for pregnant women.
  12. Alfalfa leaves nourish the blood but the sprouts and seeds have to be avoided since they induce lupus.
  13. Uva ursi leaves have strong diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties and help in reducing infections.
  14. Guar gum, also a laxative, helps in eliminating toxins and wastes.
  15. Peppermint leaves have an anaesthetic action and sooth the throat, lungs, stomach and intestines.

Following are herbs that aid in removing parasites and thus used in colon cleansing.

  1. Herbal Colon CleansersYou may have noticed that nothing grows underneath black walnut trees. The reason being that it has antifungal and parasitic properties that completely destroys candida. The black walnut hull is an antiseptic, a parasite, a laxative and a germicide.
  2. Wormwood powder, pumpkin seeds and passion fruit are very good anti-parasitic herbs that are used in colon cleansing.
  3. Clove bud, an antiseptic helps in diarrhoea, asthma, gout, tuberculosis, measles, cods & flu, indigestion and intestinal parasites.
  4. False unicorn helps expel worms from the intestine though it is also used as an aid in fertility.
  5. Garlic bulb is used in the powdered form to digest oils and fats and protects internal organs from blockages and infections.
  6. Hyssop leaves work well on the nervous system, urinary system, bronchial system and the digestive system.
  7. Turmeric root extracts help in cancer treatment, protects lungs liver and intestines. It should not be taken in heavy doses.
  8. Herbal Colon CleansersGentian root is anti-viral and relieves inflammation of the intestines.
  9. Powdered fenugreek seeds are used as a digestive aid. They also use it for lung congestion, sinus, reducing inflammation and fighting infection.
  10. Powdered yellow dock nourishes blood, softens hard tissue, reduces swelling and heat and cleanses liver.
  11. Senna leaf, a herbal laxative, could also be used for heart medications.
  12. Cinnamon bark has antifungal and diuretic properties. It enhances digestion, reduces inflammation and helps in circulation.
  13. Chamomile flower soothes irritable bowel, sore stomachs and is used as a mild sleep aid.
  14. Seeds of the milk thistle cleanse the liver.
  15. Ginger root regulates blood, digestion and strengthens immune system.

It’s amazing that medical practitioners combine these herbs to make a cleanser that works wonders in the system!

Holistic Approach

Holistic Approach

Importance of Colon Cleansing – Most of the people accumulate about eight to twenty pounds of decayed compressed fecal matter embedded in the corners, crevices and the inner lining of the wall of their intestine. This occurs due to several reasons like not drinking sufficient water, not consuming required quantity of high fiber diet, or ingesting processed, contaminated food.

At several other instances a mucoid plaque is gradually created lining the intestine despite of healthy eating habits due to chronic constipation. This mucoid plaque aggravates the constipation trouble by further narrowing the intestinal tract.

Regardless of the age, it is healthy to do a natural colon cleanse.  A survey was done on two individuals, in the midst of their twenties who underwent parasite and colon cleanse.

How to Naturally Cleanse an Impacted ColonThe outcomes are not uncommon. It is normal to let out enormous quantity of encrusted waste matter and worms, mucous, parasites and bulks of parasitic eggs.

It is very crucial to realize the importance and necessity of removing this decayed feces form one’s body. Undergoing colon detox and internal cleanse not only keeps you healthy but also prevents or reverses various health problems, hence it’s one amongst the important decision you must take for your welfare.

A toxic intestine leads to diverticulitis or diverticulosis, colorectal cancer, immune dysfunction, anemia, IBS and several other intestinal ailments besides the symptoms given below. It is also effective measure in prevention of Colon Cancer.

The putrid fecal entrenched on the wall of the intestine is the flourishing ground for parasites. No herbal formula or anti-parasitic drugs can get rid of them or even affect them unless the mucoid plaque (mucous and hardened feces) becomes softer and starts peeling off the intestinal wall.

A best colon cleanser must comprise of high grade fiber mix, herbal formula which kills the parasites and parasitic eggs, herbs which aids to increase peristalsis which in turn helps to eliminate the waste outside the system.  It is beneficial to use probiotics which are also known as “good” or “helpful” bacteria. Probiotic mixes of many strains help to keep your gut healthy by restoring the natural intestinal flora.

What does the term “death begins in the colon” mean? The mucoid plaque encrusted in the intestinal tract gradually creates a pool of decaying materials which begins to release toxins into the body – this is termed as Auto-intoxication. These toxins enter the blood stream and get deposited in various parts of human body thus weakening the entire immune system. Hence the body becomes prone to many other diseases.

Listed below are few of the symptoms which can be eradicated by colon cleanse and parasite elimination:

  • excessive farting/ gas / flatulenceHolistic Approach
  • protruding belly / bloating / stomach ‘pooch’
  • unclear thinking / headaches /  brain fog
  • burping / indigestion
  • IBS-irritable bowel syndrome
  • spastic colon / colitis
  • diarrhea / constipation
  • low energy / chronic fatigue
  • eczema / skin problems
  • immune dysfunction / allergies
  • muscle aches / joint pain
  • halitosis / bad breath / body odor

Natural Colon Cleansers: Finest natural colon cleansers and parasite removers are those which provide a complete and multi- faceted approach that are capable enough to:

  1. loosen and take out embedded faeces
  2. destroy and rinse out parasites from the colon, including Candida
  3. Provides probiotics that reinstates normal gut flora – the useful bacterial community that dwells in the intestine which helps in digestion, improves immune system etc.
  4. Be safe and gentle

A number of colon detox supplements are available out there, nevertheless only a few products addresses colon cleansing as well as eliminating parasites. The rest are merely made of purgative herbs that roughly eliminates fresh feces from the gut and are ineffective in loosening and expelling old encrusted poop. Such combination of mediocre ingredients is simply ineffective.

Holistic ApproachDiet for Colon Cleansing- the colon cleansing program works irrespective of the diet, but restricting to a healthy diet can enhance your results.  Favorable diet would be the one consisting of organic garden-fresh vegetables and fruits, legumes, whole grains, seeds and nuts.

It is very important to drink adequate quantity of water during colon cleansing program. One must intake anywhere between eight to ten ounce glasses of water regularly, purified RO water is preferred.

This not only helps to eliminate the parasites and feces out of the system but also aids the kidneys and liver to process and take out the toxins let out by cells.

It is suggested to minimize or avoid cured meat, red meat, white flour, other refined foodstuffs, saturated fats,   sugar, coffee, milk products and alcohol.

Time duration to perform colon cleanse:  One colon detox kit lasts for thirty days. But, if it is the first time you are doing colon detoxification or if it’s been quite some years from your previous cleansing then you must continue it at least for sixty days. This will ascertain that all developmental phases of the parasitic life cycle have been effected.

Effect of colon detox on Pregnant and Nursing Mother: It is inadvisable to undergo colon cleansing or parasitic elimination during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This is because exposure to toxins that are excluded from the mother’s body during the process might affect the developing fetus or new-born.

However, it is recommended to do it prior pregnancy since it will aid in proving much safer and healthier environment within for the developing fetus.

How to Naturally Cleanse an Impacted Colon

How to Naturally Cleanse an Impacted Colon

An impacted or obstructed colon could be caused due to various reasons like a poor or a low fibre diet, insufficient water, sluggish colon, stress or illness. The condition could cause fatigue, headaches, discomfort and bloating. Certain steps can be taken to eliminate the waste but on the long run, permanent changes in your lifestyle and diet need to be done to avoid similar conditions in future.

Following are the steps to be taken for an impacted colon.

Step 1

You first need to determine if you really have an obstructed colon. Irregular bowel movement (it may be days or weeks together) is an obvious indication. When you do have a bowel movement, it may be narrow or scant. You might have experienced an urge to excrete but in vain.

Other indications include fatigue, bad breath, body aches and acne.Master Cleanse Diet for a Healthy Colon

Step 2

Follow a detoxification diet. Do not include refined sugars and flours, pasta, white bread, cakes, cookies, animal products like egg, milk, cheese, butter, etc. in your diet. Instead follow a diet which includes fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains and brown rice.

Also, include soy, tofu, nuts and seeds to acquire adequate protein.

Follow this diet until a normal bowel movement is experienced, which is at least once a day. The time taken to achieve this with the detox diet may vary from one person to another. It may take a week or even a few months.

Step 3

Use pure water enema to cleanse the bowel. Do not buy enemas from medical stores as they may contain saline solution which leads to dehydration. Start with flushing colon in warm water. After two or three warm water flushes, gradually move on to cold water. This helps loosen stool and regulates colon movement. You may need to use one enema a day for week 1.

Master Cleanse Diet for a Healthy ColonStep 4

Before sleeping, take a cascara based supplement (a herbal supplement) every night. In case, there is no change, increase dosage by a single capsule. Ensure not to exceed six capsules per day.

Try not to use harsh laxatives like senna, instead use cascara sagrada, a natural laxative which is safe for use in the long term.

Step 5

After waking up, take Psyllium powder (a fibre supplement) every morning. The fibre eases movement in the colon and helps pushing out old faecal waste through the intestine.

Ensure that an ample amount of water is taken along with the fibre supplement to make movement easy and prevent blockages.

Step 6

Take a long walk every day. A minimum of half an hour of vigorous exercise is required on a daily basis. It could include aerobics, biking, jogging or power walking. This exercising helps improving movement of lymphatic fluid in the body, improving digestion and increasing energy. Additionally, it helps reducing stress which is a cause for constipation.

Lose Weight with Colon Cleansing

Lose Weight with Colon Cleansing

Want to shed those pounds? If it’s a yes! You surely have browsed the web world for products on weight loss. Amongst these the widely used or at least thought off are diet pills. While they surely help you attain your goal, you must know they aren’t the only products that help you achieve it. May be what you need is a fresh idea! Yes, you can use colon cleanses and they are also known as weight loss cleanses.  Many individuals have used this technique for weight loss and you surely might want to give it a shot.

Master Cleanse Diet for a Healthy ColonYou might be wondering how this entire process works?  How can one lose some pounds by means of colon cleanses? Before comprehending this co-relation between colon cleanses and weight loss, it is essential to note that there are possibilities of differences. Some of the colon cleanses are designed in such a way as to lose weight and they advertise it accordingly which are also popularly known as weight loss cleanses. Having noted that, there are other type of colon cleanses which do not advertise nor promise weight loss but there are chances that some do help you in shedding weight.

It is vital to follow all the instructions carefully while using colon cleanses. Colon cleanses are in liquid form or pill form.

A liquid format often requires you not to consume anything for a day or two. While the pill form may require to restrict yourself to a certain diet consisting of particular vegetables and fruits.  Whatever the case may be, you must stick to the diet instructions given along with the product. It is these restrictions in diet that helps you lose weight and also enables accurate functioning of the colon cleanses.

How do they work? Usage of colon cleanse basically detoxifies one’s body. The toxins present in the colon and at times intestine is pushed out of your system by the colon cleanse. It’s not only essential to stay healthy but also helps in weight loss. A normal human body is said to have about four to eight pounds of waste stored within the system. This unwanted extra waste is expelled from the system by colon cleanses. Thus, successfully helping people in weight loss.

Master Cleanse Diet for a Healthy ColonThe rate at which you lose weight will depend on the choice of your colon cleanse. You will notice a speedy weight loss if you choose a colon cleanse that takes 3 to 7 days to work.  Individuals, who want to lose weight quickly, may be before a vacation, wedding or any other special occasion usually prefer rapid cleanses.  While it is possible to attain quick weight loss using colon cleanses it is all the more essential to carry it on with caution.

Once colon cleanse has performed its function, it is important to maintain your weight by slightly tweaking your lifestyle. One must exercise daily or control your diet else you will notice weight gain within few days or few weeks. This occurs if any diet alteration was required while using it. You need not continue the restricted diet, but it is recommended to initiate every day or weekly exercise regime and limit intake of junk food.

Now that you know that weight loss is indeed possible using colon cleanses, you definitely would want to give it a go. You might find them in fitness stores, health stores and departmental stores both offline and online. Ensure to check product reviews if you are buying colon cleanses online, or refer to a healthcare expert.  This will be helpful to make sure that your money is well spent if you purchase a colon cleanse.

Master Cleanse Diet for a Healthy Colon

Master Cleanse Diet for a Healthy Colon

The colon is also called the large intestine. The ileum (last part of the small intestine) connects to the cecum (first part of the colon) in the lower right abdomen. The colon removes water, salt, and some nutrients forming stool. Muscles line the colon’s walls, squeezing its contents along. Billions of bacteria coat the colon and its contents, living in a healthy balance with the body.  If the colon is affected then the most common occurrence is constipation.

Constipation refers to bowel movements that are infrequent or hard to pass. Constipation is a common cause of painful defecation. Severe constipation includes obstipation (failure to pass stools or gas) and fecal impaction, which can progress to bowel obstruction and become life-threatening. When a person gets constipated, the colon may be holding 10, 20 or more lbs. The weight by itself isn‘t the problem, but the volume is – large, heavy stools enlarge and stretch out the colon, irritate the colon mucosa, harm the anal canal, and may produce toxins related to fermentation and rotting. Constipation is one of the symptoms of disbacteriosis — a condition where the normal, intestinal flora is dead and missing. When alive, this flora performs several, important functions. One of them is that it protects the colon itself from any inflammation-causing pathogens.

Master Cleanse Diet for a Healthy ColonWhen the colon is affected, the symptoms that come up are-

  • abdominal pain
  • bloating of the abdomen (distention)
  • abdominal tenderness
  • fever
  • rapid heart rate
  • shock
  • bloody diarrhea
  • frequent diarrhea

In order to avoid all of these symptoms and keep one’s colon healthy, it is necessary that one cleanses the colon and one of the methods is through Master Cleanse. A Master Cleanse is another way to cleanse your colon and detox your entire body. It uses lemonade fast along with salt flush and herbal laxatives to fully clean out your system. It’s a great jump start to obtaining and maintaining colon health.

Essentially, the Lemonade Diet is more like a fast. In order to be able to properly detoxify and flush the body, the Lemonade Diet must be followed strictly for 3 to 10 days. (If you’re more advanced you can stay on longer, but staying on the Master Cleanse to long comes with some potentially serious health risks.)

The diet was created by Stanley Burroughs who was an early advocate of natural health, and believed in the body’s natural ability to heal itself. The results people have experienced by going on this diet have been nothing short of amazing. Chronic health problems people have suffered with for years vanish in as little as 10 days on this amazing diet.Master Cleanse Diet for a Healthy Colon

Ingredients used are-

  • Lemon juice, organic ( 2 tbsp)
  • Maple syrup Grade B ( organic)
  • Filtered water ( 10 ounces)
  • Cayenne pepper powder- 1/10 ( tsp)

All ingredients are to be mixed and the solution is to be taken five to eight times in a day and this has to be continued for ten days.

Follow the above recipe. If you are underweight and are worried about losing weight while detoxifying, increase the amount of syrup in the mixture.

New Weight Loss Formula: The Garcinia & Cleanse Diet

New Weight Loss Formula- The Garcinia and Cleanse Diet

Garcinia cambogia is a plant, also known as Garcinia gummi-gutta. The fruit of the plant looks like a small, green pumpkin and is used in many traditional Asian dishes for its sour flavor. In the skin of the fruit, there is a large amount of a natural substance called Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA). This is the active ingredient in Garcinia Cambogia extract that is, the substance that produces the weight loss effects.

It is possible that some individuals can in fact lose weight with this supplement, although it doesn’t seem to work very well on average. At least, Garcinia Cambogia appears to be safe. There are no serious side effects, only some reports of mild digestive issues. It is best to get a brand with at least 50% Hydroxycitric acid. The most common dosage is 500 mg, 3 times per day, half an hour before meals.

New Weight Loss Formula- The Garcinia and Cleanse DietHydroxycitric Acid (HCA) has several remarkable properties that help with weight loss:

  • It increases serotonin, the hormone responsible for a feeling of well-being and improved sleeping patterns, thus reducing emotional eating. Presence of HCA in the body triggers the production of an enzyme called serotonin in the body. This happy hormone suppresses food appetite and prevents “emotional binge eating.”
  • It blocks carbohydrates in the food you eat metabolizing into fat cells by inhibiting an enzyme responsible for this conversion. HCA regulates the activity of ATP citrate lyase enzyme in the body, which effectively inhibits the production of fat in the body.
  • It suppresses appetite.
  • It increases fat-burning in the body in conjunction with aerobics.
  • It improves energy

Taking Garcinia Cambogia while doing a Colon Cleanse can have dramatic effects in purging the body of toxins and fat. Most of the people who eat a diet high in processed foods, a colon cleanse will flush the toxins that build up in your colon due to a sluggish elimination process. These toxins often come from artificial ingredients used to preserve packaged foods.

New Weight Loss Formula- The Garcinia and Cleanse DietOver time, then, a certain threshold of toxins builds up in the colon causing a sluggish metabolism and weight gain. When the level of toxins reaches a certain threshold a person may experience low energy, weight gain, headaches, body aches and pains, and recurring bouts of fatigue. Once the toxins are flushed out, the body begins to heal itself from these symptoms. Mood and energy improve automatically. Even if the person is sick, their body begins to heal rapidly from the illness.

When buying online you have to be careful not to buy Garcinia Cambogia from unscrupulous companies. There are plenty out there. So be prepared to make sure you get 100% pure Garcinia Cambogia or it may not work for weight loss.Therefore one should be careful when trying out new diets and using new ingredients for weight loss. It is advisable that one consults a doctor before starting a new diet as it might prove to be detrimental to one’s health since not all diets suit a body’s requirement.

In general, doctors advise that one should have a proper and balanced diet and not rely on specific diets.

Should Someone With Diverticulosis Do a Colon Cleanse?

Should Someone With Diverticulosis Do a Colon Cleanse?

Diverticulosis is the condition in which the small intestines have small hernia inside. This happens when excess pressure is exerted during bowel movement, the colon gets pressurised and this condition arises. In case you have diverticulosis, doing a colon cleanse may be highly risky as it may cause bowel perforation. It is important to talk to your doctor about colon cleansing when you already have a condition of diverticulosis.

Diagnosis of diverticulosis

Most people are unaware of the fact that they may be suffering from diverticulosis until the bulges are visible. Until then they find no symptoms. Colonoscopy (also known as sigmoidoscopy) is a test that is done to view the lining of the intestines to detect colon related disorders. Doctors would advise you not to strain the lower tract of the intestine to prevent further complications in the colon that may cause diverticular disease.

Surveys show that diverticulosis affects as much as half of the people beyond 60 years of age.

Risks of colon cleansing

Should Someone With Diverticulosis Do a Colon Cleanse?The sigmoid colon, which is the lower part of the colon, is the area that is mostly affected by diverticulosis. The sigmoid is the place where the digested wastes are stored until they are eliminated from the body. The doctor would generally recommend you to do a medical cleansing before you may go for a surgery or a diagnostic procedure. Colon cleansing (or colon irrigation) may pose health risks for those affected by diverticular disease.

In some colon cleansing processes, fluids like coffee, water or herbal preparations are injected in the colon with a plastic tube attached with a pump to rinse the toxic material that may be present on the walls of the colon. The high pressure used for flushing out the toxins may damage or tear the weak parts of the colon which could cause infections and bleeding of the intestines. Cleansing might sometimes cause allergic reactions, electrolyte imbalance or overload of fluid in the system.


Those who support colon cleansing strongly believe that the process eliminates toxins from the body, improves immunity in the system, helps growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestine and may also help fighting against chronic disorders and even cancer. If you really need to undergo a colon cleanse, it is recommended to speak to your doctor before taking any further step for your safety. Check all the ingredients and herbal solutions and ensure that you are not allergic to any of the listed items.  Also ensure that the person performing the process uses disposable, sterile equipment.

Should Someone With Diverticulosis Do a Colon Cleanse?Dietary suggestions

If you are diagnosed with diverticulosis, ensure to have a diet rich in fibre to enhance bowel movements and make it easy for the waste to flow through the intestines. It is equally important to drink lots of water to help the fibre work through your system. Further, regular exercise should be made part of your daily routine to keep your colon healthy and fit. Exercising also helps preventing constipation.

Consume anything between 20 grams to 35 grams of fibre every day. Foods that are rich in fibre include fruits and vegetables like broccoli, apples, potatoes, kidney beans, cereals, whole grains and even breads. These will all prevent complications that arise with diverticulosis ad keeps your colon healthy.

Get suggestions from your doctor to safely manage diverticulosis.

Ten Home Remedies for Colon Cleansing

Ten Home Remedies for Colon Cleansing

Colon cleansing is normally used as preparation for medical procedures such as colonoscopy. However, some alternative medicine practitioners also offer colon cleansing for other purposes, such as detoxification. Proponents of colon cleansing believe that toxins from your gastrointestinal tract can cause a variety of health problems, such as arthritis, allergies and asthma. They believe that colon cleansing improves health by removing toxins, boosting your energy and enhancing your immune system.

For many people, the best options for colon cleansing are simple, natural home remedies. Here are the top 10 home remedies for colon cleansing. Before starting any colon cleansing program, consult your doctor for proper guidance, especially if you are taking any medications or suffering from any health condition.

 The Most Effective Way to Detoxify Your BodyWater

The best thing you can do is drink plenty of water. It is essential to drink at least 10 to 12 glasses of water in a day. Regular consumption of water will give your body the liquid and lubrication required to flush out the harmful toxins and waste from the body in a natural manner.

Apple Juice

Fresh apple juice is considered as a good remedy for cleansing the colon. Drinking apple juice regularly encourages bowel movements, breaks down toxins and improves the functioning of the liver as well as the digestive system. Freshly squeezed apple juice provides the best results.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is known for its detoxification abilities and acts as a laxative, hence it is regarded as an effective colon cleanser. The medicinal properties present in aloe vera gel will not only improve your colon health, but it will also treat other health problems

 The Most Effective Way to Detoxify Your BodyLemon Juice

Lemon has antioxidant properties and its high vitamin C content is good for the digestive system. Hence, lemon juice can be used for colon cleansing.

Vegetable Juice

For colon cleansing, it is essential to keep away from processed and cooked food for one or two days. Instead of solid food, drink fresh vegetable juice several times a day. Green vegetables, in particular contain chlorophyll that helps remove toxins.

Fiber Rich Foods

Eating  fiber rich foods rich helps cleanse the colon of the harmful toxins.

Fiber helps keep the stools soft and improve the bowel movement, which ultimately encourages the body to expel waste products.


Eating fresh yogurt on a regular basis is a good way to keep the colon healthy. Being a probiotic food, yogurt, especially the one with live and active cultures, will introduce “good” bacteria into the gut that promote digestion.

Sea SaltTen Home Remedies for Colon Cleansing

Another effective ingredient for cleansing of the colon is sea salt, thanks to its detoxifying properties. As this solution can cause diarrhea, it is essential to drink plenty of water and fresh juices throughout the day. Avoid taking this remedy if you are suffering from high blood pressure or have a heart condition.


Ginger is a readily available ingredient that can help reduce bloating and stimulate colon functioning and keep it free from waste and harmful toxins.


Flaxseed is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and natural fibers, thus adding flaxseed to your diet is a great way to cleanse your colon.

The Most Effective Way to Detoxify Your Body

The Most Effective Way to Detoxify Your Body

Chinese medicine states that, the body needs to be detoxified from the winter’s hibernation, so the best time to do it during spring. To shed illnesses, fatigue, body inflammation, etc. acquired during winter, spring is the best time to revitalize the body by expelling them through the process of detoxification. The after effect will give you a more vibrant effect than before.

Importance of detoxification

Today’s world is filled with toxins and so is our body. The body absorbs toxins from the environment and remains inside.

 The Most Effective Way to Detoxify Your BodyToxins in the body are acquired from the following:

  1. Pollution
  2. Drugs
  3. Pesticides
  4. Chemicals present in water and food
  5. Personal care products
  6. Household products
  7. Negative emotions and thoughts

Each and every one of us needs to get rid of these toxins from our bodies which contribute to most of the diseases and illnesses that people face today.  Though it is nearly impossible to escape toxic substances, it is possible to remove them with detoxification.

Hints for colon cleansing

Instead of doing a cleanse once in a while where the system is completely flushed, you could opt for a healthy diet that will cleanse your body on a daily basis. This, when habituated will become part of a normal life and you will remain healthier, cleaner, calmer, clearer and more vibrant. There are various detoxification diets available which may include casein-free, gluten-free and sugar-free diets.

Keys to successful cleansing

Cleansing is ingesting healthy food and helping the body excrete the toxins through natural detoxification processes like sweat, urination and bowel movements.

Here is the guide to detoxify your mind, body and lifestyle.

  1. Body

First, start with a healthy and balanced diet. Following are the key foods that must be included in your diet.

  •  The Most Effective Way to Detoxify Your BodyFermented foods: Foods as well as drinks that are fermented are filled with beneficial bacteria which live in the intestines and provide health and strength to the body called “probiotics”. These probiotics present in fermented foods like coconut kefir and cultured vegetables taste good, provide energy, give healthy skin, eliminate cravings for sugar and support the digestive system and liver.
  • Whole food green powder: Supplements are available that builds immunity and strengthens digestive health. These supplements can be taken by mixing the powder in water or any other liquid. It gives great energy.
  • Natural sweetener: Your health can be enhanced through a sugar-free diet. Sugar absorbs minerals from the body and causes inflammation and premature aging. Substitute sugar with natural sugar substitutes which taste exactly like sugar but do not have those properties that sugar possesses which are bad for the body.
  • Grain like seeds: Rather than using grain products and flour that clog the system making excretion difficult, use whole grains like millets, quinoa, buckwheat and amaranth which support the digestive system.
  • Colon cleansing: The best way to support a detoxification diet is to do a colon cleanse in which water is used to eliminate all toxins from the intestines.

Cleansing causes symptoms like headaches, fatigue, congestion, etc. These are all positive indications that the body is in the process of being detoxified.

  1. Mind

Cleansing the mind is as equally essential as cleansing the body. The best way is to let go of negative thoughts and negative emotions, past grudges, etc. This way you mentally get relieved and feel fresher than before.

  1. Lifestyle

By slightly changing your lifestyle it is possible to bring about a healthy lifestyle and reduce the toxins in your body on a regular basis. Following are a few ways to go about it:

  •  The Most Effective Way to Detoxify Your BodyStress less: Try not to get stressed out easily. Ignore the small things that make you feel stressful.
  • Wear organic fibre: Unlike synthetic fibre, organic fibres do not contain chemicals that cause allergic reactions.
  • Choose personal care products wisely: Perfumes, shampoos and soaps contain various harmful chemicals which cause damage to your body and health.
  • Move around: By exercising every day, you sweat out all the toxins. So, exercise is the best methods of regular detoxification.
  • Create simplicity: Clear all the unnecessary clutter in your life. Cut out all kinds of unnecessary activities.
  • Sleep well: When you are deprived of sleep, you will find everything going wrong the next day. Get a proper sleep which is needed to repair, restore and cleanse your health.

Daily detoxification

Once you begin detoxifying your mind, body and lifestyle, you will be able to gain more energy and restore your health. Once you make this a habit and part of your daily life, you start living a healthy life.

Time for a Colon Flush!

Time for a Colon Flush!

A number of health aspects can be ruined if waste is not expelled properly from the body. Following are 7 signs that the colon is inefficient.

  1. Even after a good 8 hours of sleep, your body isn’t able to cope and you feel drained out and sluggish.
  2. You are strictly not in taking more calories than you should but you still seem to be struggling losing weight.
  3. You have started getting acne and your skin has become pale.
  4. You do not experience normal bowel movements. You probably have diarrhoea very frequently.
  5. You seem to be excreting in the form of a heavy paste.
  6. Although you practice a good personal hygiene, your body odour is foul and you’ve got bad breath.
  7. You fall sick frequently.

Time for a Colon Flush!A colon that isn’t working efficiently, does not only affect digestion but various other processes and parts of the body.

The colon’s basic function involves removing excess water from the waste and excreting the faecal waste.

When excretion does not take place, toxins accumulate in the system and cause various illnesses. The toxins then flow back in the body which result in allergic responses.

Over a period of time, this may turn into serious disorders like Crohn’s disease, Irritable Bowel syndrome (IBS) and ulcerative colitis.

It could also lead to bowel cancer.

Causes for poor colon functioning

Diet tops the list for its causes. A low fibre diet causes blockage followed by slow movement of the faeces. Fibre does not digest. It acts like a cleaner in the digestive system which moves through the system along with all the other waste material until excretion. Thus, clearing the system and cleansing the bowel.

Diets with low fibre cause the wastes to accumulate like sludge in the colon and make it difficult for movement, thus, causing constipation.

A high fibre diet will therefore help the waste move out effortlessly.

Diarrhoea and Colon issuesTime for a Colon Flush!

As mentioned, the function of the colon is to extract excess water from the waste. So in case the colon isn’t functioning properly, the water is not extracted and the waste material remain watery which results in diarrhoea. That is when people complain of diarrhoea when it is actually constipation.

Bacteria are present in the bowel to help in breaking down food. In case the bowel isn’t functioning well, the non-beneficial bacteria as well as the beneficial bacteria vastly multiply as they have enough room for growth.

This causes production of gases which is their natural by product. Additionally, the excess bacteria cause digestive tract infections and you may fall sick.

Leaky Bowel Syndrome

Fruits and vegetables are the best sources of high fibre foods. But nowadays, diets contain more meats that fruits and vegetables. With lack of fibre in the system, meats can remain in the system and decay. This leads to LBS (leaky bowel syndrome).

This causes toxins to pass through the wall of the bowel instead of getting excreted and thus causing allergic reactions like skin rash. Skin rash can thus be easily connected to improper bowel functioning.

As a solution, the system first needs to be detoxified and then a healthy diet, rich in fibre, must be adapted to.