Natural Colon Cleansing

Natural Colon Cleansing

The need for colon cleansing is based on the theory that undigested meat and other foods, medications, and other chemical or substances that we ingest cause a build up of mucus in the colon. Over time, this accumulation of mucus produces toxins which circulate throughout the body through the bloodstream, ultimately poisoning the body. Symptoms of this auto-intoxication may include fatigue, low energy, weight gain, and headaches. The reported benefits of proper colon cleansing include strengthening the immune system, improving mental outlook, weight loss, and reducing the risk of colon cancer.

For colon cleansing, the best thing you can do is drink plenty of water. It is essential to drink at least 10 to 12 glasses of water in a day. Regular consumption of water will give your body the liquid and lubrication required to flush out the harmful toxins and waste from the body in a natural manner.

Here are a few foods which will help in the natural cleansing of colon

Natural Colon CleansingApple juice – Drinking apple juice regularly encourages bowel movements, breaks down toxins and improves the health of the liver as well as the digestive system.

Cod Liver Oil- This oil not only acts as a lubricant but also helps release the bile which is necessary for digestion.

Bentonite Clay-Drinking bentonite clay should be part of your regular colon cleansing regimen. You will benefit because of the bentonite clay’s action as an intestinal cleanser and gastrointestinal regulator.

Alfalfa- It helps to soothe the entire digestive system and colon. This will keep you from having cramps or spasms, especially if you haven’t done any colon cleansing or detox routines lately.

Apple Cider Vinegar-  Apples are a powerful colon cleansing food. Apples are high in pectin, a compound that removes toxins in the colon and strengthens the lining inside the intestines.

Garlic- Garlic acts as an antioxidant helping to reduce inflammation and to cleanse the colon for improved digestion, absorption of food nutrients and elimination of wastes and toxins. Crush a clove or two each morning and swallow them whole or add some to your salads and food dishes for some tasty, yet powerful colon cleansing compounds.

Natural Colon CleansingDulse- It is also known as kelp. Dulse usually comes in tablet form. Dulse helps in the motion of the thyroid gland. Thus, it helps blood circulation, to circulate much better. Good blood circulation helps to eliminate any deposit toxins about the body.

Flax Seeds– You will find that flax seeds are rich in healthy fats and fiber that encourage healthy digestion and cleanse the colon at the same time. The healthy fat they contain, omega-3, has been shown to reduce inflammation and stabilize cell walls. These seeds are also high in soluble fiber, which binds with the foods you eat, optimizing the digestive process.

Beet juice- This juice is an excellent colon cleanser as well as a laxative.

Psyllium seed-  Psyllium is a bulking agent that promotes bowel regularity. It can be used regularly, as opposed to harsh stimulant laxatives which should only be used occasionally. It makes stools softer . It is believed to be a good intestinal cleanser because it makes waste matter move faster through the digestive system, with the result that toxic substances spend less time in the body, thereby reducing the risk of colon cancer and other diseases.

ColoClear Review

This review is about ColoClear and its potential uses for the average consumer. After making an analysis based on the data offered by the manufacturer as well as the consumers, we determined that this treatment is certainly one of the best. ColoClear is a type of medication that will aid the body’s ability to detoxify itself and regulate the intestinal health in order to avoid problems like constipation. It works by eliminating the build up of toxins that may endanger the intestinal tract and lead to an irregular consistency of the stool or even cause obesity problems due to inadequate nutrient absorption. Continue reading for more information and advice on ColoClear and to learn why it truly is one of the top medications of its kind.


The formula contains only natural compounds extracted from pure sources without adding any artificial elements that would cause side effects or reduce the effectiveness of the drug. The ingredients are chosen based on their properties and ability to aid the body in eleminating toxins and regulating the digestive system in such a way to prevent constipation, absorb nutrients optimally and to promote weight loss.

List of active ingredients:

  • Fennel seed powder
  • Cascara Sagrada
  • Ginger root powder
  • Senna
  • Rhubarb
  • Oat bran
  • Pumpkin seed
  • Citrus Petin
  • Buckthorn root
  • Licorice root
  • Flax seed oil powder
  • Bentonite Clay
  • Cayenne Pepper
  • Goldenseal
  • Acidophilus
  • Acai Powder
  • Cape Aloe
  • Aloe Vera
  • Prune Juice


The label advises consumers to administer 2 to 3 capsules a day together with a glass of water. This dosage should not be exceeded and the treatment should be used for 3 days at a time.

Possible Side Effects

Side effects should not occur during treatment due to the medication’s content of pure, natural ingredients. There are no chemical compounds or artificial additives that could cause adverse reactions, but if any discomfort is experienced during treatment, the user should contact a health care specialist immediately.


There are multiple packages that are on offer for customers who wish to buy more than just one bottle. One container costs 49.95$ but the price per bottle is significantly lowered if purchasing one of the special packages that contain several months worth of treatment. The two bottle supply already significantly reduces the price down to 34.95$ per item and this price will steadily be reduced with each additional pack. The best value package that is on offer is the 6 bottle supply that would lower the cost to only 23.30$ per item.


The treatment comes with a 60 day money back guarantee. The manufacturing company’s return policy allows customers to ask for a refund if they are not completely satisfied with the product. The policy includes opened packages as well, which makes it truly risk free for consumers.

Reviews are supporting the product as customers are praising it. The feedback is overwhelmingly positive in nature.


ColoClear is a risk free product that is backed by a solid guarantee from the manufacturers part. Customers can make a risk free purchase at various discounts without worrying about not being eligible for a refund if they find the product ineffective. This side effect free medication is a safe purchase that is only praised by a large number of consumers.

Organika Herbal Colon Cleanser Forte Review

Here is a review of Organika’s Herbal Colon Cleanser Forte. This product is meant to provide gentle relief for those who are suffering from constipation. These vegetable capsules work to detoxify the gastrointestinal tract through the promotion of bowel movements. If you are currently suffering from irregularity or constipation and want to learn more about this product, please keep reading this review to learn more.


Each capsule contains the following ingredients:

  • 600 mg Psyllium Husk
  • Barley
  • Licorice
  • Bentonite
  • Microcrystalline Cellulose
  • Magnesium Stearate
  • Pullulan/Hypromellose for the vegetarian capsule.

This product does not contain any dairy, egg, artificial preservatives, colors, artificial sweeteners, yeast, wheat, or corn.


The recommended dosage for adults and children 13 to 18 years of age are 2 pills for 3 times a day with an 8 ounce glass of water, milk, or fruit juice before meals. You should take these capsules at least two hours before/after any other medications.

Possible Side Effects

You should not use this product if you have trouble or issue swallowing, diabetes, or have experienced a sudden or noticeable change in pattern with bowel movements. This product may also cause bloating along with some temporary gas. Discontinue use and consult a health care professional if you are experiencing abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, or running a fever. Always speak with your doctor first before taking any type of supplement, especially if you are a woman who is pregnant or nursing, someone with an existing condition, or someone who is taking medication.


This product is not available for purchase directly from the company’s website. Rather you will need to shop around to find an authorized retailer who offers a reasonable selling price and also one that honors a return policy. If you reside in Canada, you will be able to use the store locator to find a local health retailer store.


We could not find any guarantee on the company’s website. So you will be at the mercy of whatever the seller’s return policy is. There is an option to contact the company directly to see inquire further about customer satisfaction.

There are very little reviews found on this product. The reviews we did find were generally positive, stating this product was a gentle cleanser which helped to regulate bowel movement. While the company has an option for customers to leave their reviews and thoughts, there were none posted under the product.


Organika’s Herbal Colon Cleanser Forte seemed to be a promising product. However, as we researched further, it seems this product may be more of a hassle to find, especially since it is sold directly from the company’s website. Besides the lack of any information about a guarantee, a new customer would have to search the internet to find a retailer who sold this at a reasonable price along with a solid return policy. Despite how promising this product sounds, customers can be deterred with the lack of ease there is to purchase this product. Overall, we think there may be better options for you to address your detox concerns.

Click here to learn about our Top Colon Cleansing Products.

Baking Soda for a Colon Cleanse

Baking Soda for a Colon Cleanse

The process of eliminating toxins and parasites from the intestine is called colon cleansing or colon detox. Introduction of elements like baking soda, few other solutions and herbs into the intestine during the cleansing procedure offer a wide range of benefits such as easing constipation, increasing immunity, boosting energy and stimulating healthy intestinal flora. Baking soda or Sodium bicarbonate is a salt that neutralises and breaks down proteins. This can be used as an antacid and is also used as a first aid.

Colon Cleanses:  Colon cleansing is primarily done as a preparation for any medical procedure. Doctors recommend colon cleansing or colon hydrotherapy preceding colposcopy. Basically, colon cleansing procedure eliminates toxins from the gastrointestinal tract.  Scientifically there is no significant theory that supports this concept of the requirement to eliminate waste and toxins from one’s body. Our colon, liver and kidneys are designed in such a way that they are capable enough to remove unwanted bacteria and waste efficiently.

Baking Soda for a Colon CleanseBaking Soda: Sodium bicarbonate or baking soda is a type of salt that is extensively used in medical field and as first aid. It has the characteristics to absorb acids in the stomach and nullify their effects. Hence relives from occasional and intermittent indigestion and heartburns. It is also used as an effective odour absorber due to its capability to stabilize acids.

The Association between Baking Soda and Colon Cleansing: The thought that sodium bicarbonate can be used as an effective colon cleanser originates due to its certain capabilities like easing gastric discomfort, odour reducer and possibly hinder the advancement of kidney disorders. In 2009 and a study was published in “Journal of the American Society of Nephrology” which analysed 134 people suffering from progressive chronic renal disorders.  One set was given sodium bicarbonate alongside routine medication. The set of patients who took baking soda showed above 65% slower deterioration of health in comparison with the set that were not prescribed baking soda. And this rate of renal weakening was on a par with the normal decline rate in an ageing population. These set of patients were not very likely to require dialysis for chronic renal failure.


There are others ways to remove waste from intestine or ease constipation other than using baking soda. Dietary fibres or roughage is the indigestible or complex part of food derived from plants. It has two main components:

Baking Soda for a Colon CleanseSoluble Fibre: It dissolves in water, hence softens the stool which aids in easier bowel movement.

Insoluble Fibre: It does not dissolve in water but provides bulking to the stool, thus helping it to pass quickly through the intestine, easing defecation.

Fibre in food: Brocolli, pears, whole wheat bread, lentils, seeds and nuts are some of the food that is rich in fibre.

Regular exercise also supports in easing constipation, by increasing the breathing speed, accelerating heart rate, kick starting all the other systems. It strengthens the intestinal wall and blood flow will also increase to the intestine, causing stronger peristalsis and increased digestive enzymes.


Baking soda is not recommended if you are on aspirin, anti-anxiety drugs, antibiotic tetracycline and diabetes medication since it will interact with baking soda. Jackson Siegelbaum, Gastroenterologist in Pennsylnvania recommends to avoid baking soda if one has heart disease, hypertension, edema – a condition characterized by an excess of watery fluid collecting in the cavities or tissues of the body.

Colon cleanses raises the level of electrolytes in your body thus increasing the possibilities of dehydration. Apparently, it is advisable to get your doctors approval before using any colon cleanse, even though it contains baking soda which is seemingly safe for the body. Doctor after reviewing your medical history will inform you whether cleansing will have any ill effects interacting with your current medication or if it’s safe to proceed. However, you should consume large amount of water and other fluids during cleansing to avoid dehydration.

Body cleansing with Aloe

Body cleansing with Aloe

Aloe plants are originally from North Africa and now can be found all over the world. These plants are hardy by nature and are now found even in households. Aloe (often called Aloe Vera) produces two substances, gel and latex, which are used for medicines. Aloe gel is the clear, jelly-like substance found in the inner part of the aloe plant leaf. Aloe latex comes from just under the plant’s skin and is yellow in color.

Extracts from Aloe Vera are widely used in the cosmetics and alternative medicine industries, being marketed as variously having rejuvenating, healing, or soothing properties. Aloe Vera is used on facial tissues where it is promoted as a moisturizer and anti-irritant to reduce chafing of the nose. Cosmetic companies commonly add sap or other derivatives from Aloe Vera to products such as makeup, tissues, moisturizers, soaps, sunscreens, incense, shaving cream, or shampoos.

Body cleansing with AloeWhile they are very good for treating sunburns, research has shown that Aloe helps prevent formation of kidney stones; helps lower the cholesterol, and help ease the inflammation.  Aloe is known to soothe the external burns and injuries but when ingested it is known to soothe the ulcers.  The Aloe gel acts as a laxative and helps in detoxification of blood as well as helps cleanse the colon.

Aloe is made up of a lot of nutrients like vitamins, minerals, plant compounds and amino acids. Polysaccharides present in Aloe Vera help in digestion as well as increase the immune function. Triterpenes help in reducing the activity of blood sugar as well as are antioxidant in nature.

There are a lot of advantages in using Aloe Vera and one of them is cleansing. When it comes to cleansing the body, what it does is detoxify the blood stream and wastes present in the colon are cleaned out.  Headaches, lack of energy and fatigue is caused by toxins that reabsorbed by the blood stream if they are present in the colon. Cleansing not only helps removes the toxins from the body but also reduces the risk of having colon cancer.

Body cleansing with AloePeople who have Aloe Vera at home can use the thick gel like substance that is present in its leaves to make it into a smoothie by harvesting the gel and then blending it. If one does not want to do that much of hard work then Aloe is easily available in the form of pills, powder and juice.

One can get these aloe supplements from online shopping websites and even at stores.  It is an advantage to buy them as extracting gel from leaves on a daily basis is not a practical solution as one would require a large number of plants to extract the gel.  The aloe products have a long shelf life and do not require much maintenance.

The Aloe pills should be taken as directed but when it comes to powders and gels that are available in stores then it is advisable that one adds berries and sugar to make it into a smoothie as Aloe otherwise has a very bitter taste which may or may not suit one’s palate.

Can You Use Bentonite Clay as a Colon Cleanser?

Can You Use Bentonite Clay as a Colon Cleanser?

Are you a sufferer of chronic constipation? Do you feel uncomfortable and bloated most of the while? Try bentonite clay for colon cleansing. Bentonite clay is a natural constituent obtained out of volcanic ash and the body cannot absorb this substance. Thus, when Bentonite clay is ingested, the parasites, mucus and toxins are absorbed and expelled from the body during bowel movements.

However, from the experience of old remedy practitioners, this cleanser is not so reliable. Thus, if you want to do a Bentonite cleanser, you need to talk to your doctor first.

Step 1

Blend together 1 teaspoon of Bentonite clay (in the liquid form) and 1 teaspoon of Psyllium husk (in the powdered form) in a bowl. Add the mixture to a cup of water (preferably a glass of 8 oz.) and drink it immediately. Follow this with a glass full of water in order to force the mixture down into the stomach.

Step 2Can You Use Bentonite Clay as a Colon Cleanser?

Let your body stay hydrated by drinking water through the entire day (about 8-10 glasses).This is to enable the cleanser to move through your gastro-intestinal tract.

Step 3

For the next three days, have a cleanse drink every morning on an empty stomach.

Step 4

For the next two days, have one cleanse drink in the morning immediately after you wake up and the other in the evening.

Step 5

On the sixth day, drink three of them. Have the first one in the morning; the second two hours post lunch and the third one just before you sleep.

Step 6

Have 4-5 basic cleansing drinks each day till the symptoms begin to decrease.

P, B and G cleanseCan You Use Bentonite Clay as a Colon Cleanser?

This is a colon cleanser which includes Psyllium, bentonite and ginger.

Step 1

Blend together 1 teaspoon each of bentonite clay with Psyllium husk and ½ a teaspoon of ginger powder. Add this mixture to a cup of fresh orange juice. Shake the mix to remove all lumps that are formed. Drink this immediately followed by water (1 glass).

Step 2

You need to drink minimum 8-10 glasses water through the entire day.

Step 3

Until the symptoms subside, you need to drink Psyllium, Bentonite cleanse in the morning after you wake up and just before sleeping.

PCB cleanse

This colon cleanser includes a mixture of Psyllium, bentonite and chlorophyll.

Step 1Can You Use Bentonite Clay as a Colon Cleanser?

Blend 1 teaspoon of Psyllium husk with 2 tablespoons of bentonite clay in the liquid form and 4 oz. of a fresh fruit juice like orange, mango or apple. Add 8 oz. glass of water followed by 1 teaspoon of liquid chlorophyll which is extracted from leafy green vegetables. Stir the mixture well.

Step 2

Immediately drink the concoction followed by a cup of water.

Step 3

Follow this for three days and ensure to drink the concoction with an empty stomach. Continue if needed, until the symptoms subside.


In case you notice any kind of allergy caused after taking the bentonite cleanse, discontinue using it and talk to your doctor immediately.


It is best to take bentonite with an empty stomach or at least about 2 hours post a meal.

Cleansing the Colon

Cleansing the Colon

Colon cleansing (also known as colon therapy) encompasses a number of alternative medical therapies claimed to remove nonspecific “toxins” from the colon and intestinal tract. Colon cleansing may be branded colon hydrotherapy, a colonic or colonic irrigation. People who practice colon cleansing believe that accumulations of putrefied faeces line the walls of the large intestine and that these accumulations harbor parasites or pathogenic gut flora, causing nonspecific symptoms and general ill-health. The symptoms that are attributed to auto-intoxication—headache, fatigue, loss of appetite and irritability—are actually caused by mechanical distention within the bowel, such as irritable bowel syndrome, rather than toxins from putrefying food.

Colon cleansing with powdered or liquid supplements

Cleansing the ColonYou take some supplements used for colon cleansing by mouth. Others you take through the rectum. Either way, the idea is to help the colon to expel its contents. You can find these products on the Internet or in health food stores, supermarkets, or pharmacies. They include:

  • Enemas
  • Laxatives-both stimulant and non stimulant types
  • Herbal teas
  • Enzymes
  • Magnesium

Colon cleansing with colon irrigation

Colon irrigations work somewhat like an enema. But they involve much more water and none of the odors or discomfort. While you lie on a table, a low-pressure pump or a gravity-based reservoir flushes several gallons of water through a small tube inserted into your rectum. After the water is in the colon, the therapist may massage your abdomen. Then you release the water like a regular bowel movement; the process flushes out the fluids and waste. The therapist may repeat the process, and a session may last up to an hour.

Cleansing the ColonThe other option is to drink a lot of water. It is recommended that one should drink hot water before having breakfast and drink a lot of water during the day but keep in mind that overdoing anything does harm to the body. There has been a belief that one should not drink a lot of water as it can lead to water retention but the opposite is true. If the body does not have enough water then it tries to retain the water present in the body and that leads to water retention.

The health claims made by producers of colon cleansing products and colon irrigation practitioners are broad and wide-reaching. Their main goal is to clear the colon of large quantities of stagnant, supposedly toxic waste encrusted on colon walls. Doing so, they claim, will enhance the vitality of the body. It also helps in –

  • Improving mental outlook
  • Improving the immune system
  • Losing weight
  • Reducing the risk of colon cancer

One should always remember that “natural” doesn’t necessarily mean safe. The government doesn’t regulate natural colon cleansing products, so their potency, safety, and purity can’t be guaranteed. If you do decide to see a colon-cleansing therapist, choose one who is licensed by a recognized national organization and who follows that organization’s standards. It’s always a good idea to talk with your primary health provider before starting a new practice such as colon cleansing.

Vitamin World Advanced Colon Cleanser Review

This is a review of Colon Cleanser dietary supplement made by Vitamin World. The manufacturer claims this product takes care of your digestive tract by providing regularity and helps relieve the colon of built up waste and harmful toxins. This leads to a healthier metabolism and natural weight loss. You can get it at your local health food store or order it online from the company’s official website.




The main ingredient in this herbal blends is actually not a plant, but rather a strain of bacteria called Lactobacillus Acidophilus. This bacteria is normally found in the intestinal tract and is added regularly to treat all sorts of digestive disorders. Besides Lactobacillus Acidophilus, this product also contains:

  • Iron
  • Psyllium seed husk
  • Senna leaf extract
  • Fennel seed
  • Peppermint leaf
  • Papaya fruit
  • Rose Hips
  • Buckthorn bark
  • Barberry root
  • Celery seed

Other ingredients include gelatin, rice flower, silica and vegetable magnesium stearate.


The manufacturer recommends taking four capsules per day, with at least one cup of water. Whether you should take them with or without food is not specified. Some individuals have reported abdominal pain when taking similar supplements, so It is best you take them at least an hour after a meal.


One bottle of Colon Cleanser costs $7.49. There is a discount available at the moment, where you buy one bottle and get one free. Considering you are getting two bottles of this product for just $7.49, this is really affordable, considering similar products made by other companies.

What to Expect

Using this product for two weeks now, I did not notice any significant changes. This products works really fast, I felt relieved after just a couple of days of using it. Besides relief, I didn’t experience weight loss, as stated by the manufacturer. This may be due to the fact that I have not been using it that long and it needs more time to produce concrete results. I will continue using it to see if that is the case.

Keep an Eye Out

Children under the age of 18 are prohibited from using this product. Individuals frequently suffering from diarrhea, those with an underlying medical condition and taking therapy for it and pregnant and nursing women should consult their physician or a local health care representative before using this, or any other supplement.

Customers should stop using Colon Cleanser if they have or develop abdominal pain, loose stools and diarrhea.

Manufacturer’s Commitment

If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase you can return the unused portion of the product within 90 days of your original purchase and receive a full refund. Just make sure you keep the original sales slip, you cannot return the product without it.

Reviews are mostly positive and people seem satisfied with their purchase.

The Bottom Line

Colon Cleanser appears to be a good product with a list of carefully selected ingredients. It is very inexpensive and customers seem happy with the purchase. Some have observed very good results, but for other it is not as effective as similar products available.

Click here to learn about our Top Colon Cleansing Products.

Health Plus Super Colon Cleanse Review

This is a review of Health Plus Super Colon Cleanse herbal supplement. The manufacturer of this product claims it helps alleviate constipation and symptoms associated with it. It acts by creating a gelatinous mass in the bowels which absorbs fluids and waste mater lodged in the folds of the colon. Besides waste removal, Colon Cleans soothes the intestines and forms a slippery coating over the lining of the bowel which prevents waste from accumulating again.




The main ingredient in this herbal blend is psyllium husk, a form of fiber made from Plantago Ovata plant. It is a bulk-forming laxative, meaning it soaks up the water and increases bulk in your stool, making bowel movements much easier. It promotes regularity without promoting flatulence, making it an ideal ingredient for those suffering from constipation and gassiness.

Besides psyllium husk, this blend also contains:

  • Iron
  • Senna leaf powder
  • Fennel seed
  • Papaya leaf
  • Peppermint leaf
  • Buckthorn bark
  • Celery seed
  • Barberry root
  • Rose hips
  • Acidophilus

The capsule is bovine based, meaning it comes from calf, cows and cattle.


Health Plus recommends taking four capsules, two times a day, in the morning and in the evening with a cup to cup and a half of water. They can be taking with or without a meal, but the company advises doing it at least one hour before or after a meal. Children between the age of 6 and 12 should take half the normal dose, or two capsules per day. For optimal results take this product once every two months, however, it must not be taken for longer than 10 days at a time.


A bottle of Super Colon Cleanse containing 240 capsules comes at a price of $21.99. Price may seem a bit high, but 240 are equivalent to 60 servings, or a two month supply.

What to Expect

I have used this product in the past and I am mostly satisfied with the results. I found out that for me, the recommended dose is a bit high, as I was forced to the toilet several times throughout the day. Two capsules twice a day was more than enough for a thorough cleanse. I also noticed taking capsules on an empty stomach can sometimes cause pain, so I advise you take them after meals, just in case.

Keep an Eye Out

Customers who suffer from or develop abdominal pain, loose stools and diarrhea should stop using this product immediately, because Buckthorn and Senna are known to worsen these conditions.

Manufacturer warns that this product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause reproductive harm and birth defects.

Manufacturer’s Commitment

Customers dissatisfied with their purchase may return the product and get a full refund. Shipping costs are however not included.

Customer reviews are present on the official website and are generally positive.

The Bottom Line

Health Plus Super Colon Cleanse appears to be a popular product, judging by the number of mostly positive reviews. Although it does not seem like it, the price is actually really affordable. I find the high recommended dose and use of chemicals known to be toxic however, a major downside.

Click here to learn about our Top Colon Cleansing Products.

Naturavit Colon Cleanser Review

This is a review Naturavit Colon Cleanser. The manufacturer of this dietary supplement claims it can help clear residual waste from the colon, including harmful bacteria and other accumulated material. This promotes a healthy digestive track, making you feel less bloated and gassy and more energetic throughout the day.




This mixture is made mostly using plant extracts and material, with two exceptions. First is Lactobacillus Acidophylus, a bacterial strain normally inhabiting the GI tract. The second exception is Bentonite, a type of clay used by the body to remove toxins from and provide cells with more oxygen by removing excess hydrogen. Full list of ingredients is as follows:

  • Cascara Sagrada
  • Aloe Vera Powder
  • Alfalfa
  • Oat Straw
  • Psyllium Husk
  • Fennel Seed
  • Horsetail Powder
  • Dandelion Root Powder
  • Parsley Leaf
  • Burdock Root Powder
  • Siberian Ginseng Powder
  • Lactobacillus Acidophylus
  • Bentonite
  • Cayenne Pepper Powder

Ingredients going into the capsule are gelatin and magnesium stearate.


Customers are advised to take two capsules per day, preferably in the evening, before going to bed.


One bottle of Colon Cleanser containing 60 capsules or one month supply costs $14.50. When compared with similar product on the market this price is quite average, but there are no discounts available when buying in bulk.

What to Expect

After using this product for three weeks I haven’t noticed any drastic results. Even though I felt relieved after just three or four days, I didn’t experience any major increase in my energy levels and my weight has remained pretty much the same. I still have a week’s worth of capsules left, so I will continue using this product to see if any improvements will be made during that time.

Keep an Eye Out

Individuals with a medical condition, children under the age of 18 and pregnant and nursing women should always consult their doctor or a health care representative before taking this or any other supplement.

Manufacturer’s Commitment

The manufacturer is offering a full money back guarantee for those who are not completely satisfied with their product. All you need to do is contact the customer support team within 30 days of purchase and will get an authorization number. Be careful with the number, as you can’t make a return without it. Unfortunately, the guarantee does not cover handling and shipping costs.

There were no reviews posted on the product’s official website. This may be a concern to some customers, but have in mind that this happens quite often with new products.

The Bottom Line

What sets apart Naturavit’s Colon Cleanser from similar products available on the market have to be the carefully selected list of ingredients and the affordable price. Directions are quite simple and first results can be noticed after just a couple of days of using it. However, refunds do not cover shipping and handling fees and there wasn’t a single review present on the product webpage. It may not seem this way, but a lack of reviews is a major downside for potential customers, who rely heavily on information provided by the reviewers when buying a product.

Click here to learn about our Top Colon Cleansing Products.